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Auditing Association of Canada

L’Association canadienne de vérification

Supporting EHS and Risk Management - Since 1991


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membership directory & locator

Please use the directory below to search for active AAC members by name, or our map by location. 

Our Members Directory below will help you search for an auditor or member, their professional profile summaries and contact information. A quick search will help you find the person you are looking for, by name or company. If you are looking to find someone with specific skills, professional designations, sector specialties, based in a specific location, please use the "Advanced search" feature below.

Our Map Locator can also help you find a member in a specific region or city. Please click on the google marker to find a member as you zoom in. When you find someone you can then pull up their contact information and profiles. 

The locator also is a great tool to help you quickly identify how many members are in an area if you are looking to organize regional events or look for local assistance or partners.

Please note the locator map tool is connected to google maps, and may periodically be slow to load or have intermittent glitches out of the control of AAC. Our Members Directory listing and search functions are separate and will always be able to provide your answers.

Members Directory

Supporting EHS and Risk Management since 1991

Building trust & Measuring progress

Supporting members throughout their auditing careers!

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6 Wigston Private,

Ottawa, ON, K1Y 1K9

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